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Neo Healthtechnology. Ltd. products participate in '2022 Advanced Defe…

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Neo Healthtechnology. Ltd. products participate in '2022 Advanced Defense Industry Exhibition' 

지난 15~17일 대전컨벤션센터에서 열린 ‘2022 첨단국방산업전’에 마련된 (사)경남창원산학융합원 부스에서 담당자가 기관 및 방산기업 관계자들에게 아이템을 소개하고 있다./경남창원산학융합원/ 

Gyeongnam Changwon Industry-University Convergence Institute (President Park Seong-gil, hereinafter Industry-Academic Convergence Institute) announced on the 20th that it had participated in the ‘2022 Advanced Defense Industry Exhibition’ held at the Daejeon Convention Center from the 15th to the 17th.

The Advanced Defense Industry Exhibition, co-hosted by the Army Education Command, Daejeon Metropolitan City, and Defense Technology Promotion Institute, is a comprehensive exhibition of weapons and power support systems to contribute to the development of the domestic defense industry and to promote opportunities for domestic related products and technologies to enter the defense market. All.

Industry-University Convergence Institute introduced the defense innovation cluster start-up support project at this industry exhibition, and is participating in this project, such as △OneBase △INIX △NeoHealth Technology △JM Tech △3A Solutions △Eray △Fine Ceramics, etc. The items of 7 defense start-up companies were promoted. In addition, a separate conference was held for organizations and companies interested in starting a defense industry.

Defense start-ups participated in the military usability meeting as part of this industry exhibition event and exchanged technology and information with military power officials about the company's products.

Lee In-woo, CEO of 3A Solutions, which introduced a smart gun box produced with support for item development, said, “I would like to thank the Industry-Academic Convergence Institute for support from the prototype development stage to product promotion so that the technology can be commercialized.”

Park Seong-gil, president of Industry-University Convergence Institute, said, “We expect defense industry start-ups to lead to meaningful results through participation in this industry exhibition. We will do our best to further solidify our position.”

Meanwhile, the Defense Innovation Cluster Startup Support Project is a project that discovers promising defense start-up technologies, supports item development and item advancement, and fosters them through a defense-specialized consulting program so that start-ups can grow and leap forward.

 2022-06-21  Gyeongnam New